
It's been so long...

I haven't posted anything on here in a while. It makes sense though because this blog was for school posts only, when I was a sophomore. I am now 21 years old, I graduated high school in 2012. Since I graduated high school, I've gone to vocational schools for stenography, and Medical Assistant. Of course since I can never make up my mind about what I want, I never finished any of those courses. The reason I started to write on this blog again is because I've had 3 diaries in my lifetime. I love diaries and I feel like writing in them is therapeutic for me in some way. Unfortunately, I have lost two of them ( I'm really good at losing things). Losing my last diary made me worry about the one that I still have. Its not so much that I don't want people reading them, its more that I want to go back and read what I have been through and how much I have changed. It hurt me when I figured that I wasn't going to get my last diary back. I wrote so many beautiful things in there and I just felt like I lost 3 years of my life stories. adding to the fact that my memory is as good as someone with short term memory loss. Anyway, I have decided that It would be best if I blogged my life and the things that I go through, instead of keeping a diary that I might lose eventually. In this blog I'm going to express myself and just write what goes on my mind. mostly issues, thoughts, and RANDOM things. In the blog The Moon Was My Witness, I'm going to share my secrets,experiences, and thoughts. Please keep in mind the a lot of my writing and posts are not always going to make sense, and are going to be totally random!

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