
My growth in the past two years

I feel that there are at least four ways in which I have improved in the past two years. I have better coping skills, I've gotten better at letting go of grudges, instead of wanting my way I try to look at the other persons point of view, and started to focus more on my own issues. Instead of letting things get me upset I try to make the best of a bad situation by not making things as bad as the other person I'm arguing with. I have gotten better at putting all the past into the past and starting with a clean slate. Like if someone did something to me a year ago I will just get over it and move on, because ten years from now I'm not going to know half of the people I lived with before. The third way that I've grown is I'm better at seeing the other persons point of view instead of insisting on my own,in particular I've been better at working with my house parents and accepting that they might be right. Lastly, I tried to focus more on my own problem before I get into other peoples problems. For example, when there is drama at my house or other houses I try to mind my own business and stay out of it.


Writing Discussion Questions

Do you think that kids who are mediocre will want to follow a specific set of guidelines for writing? Should they? Explain your answer. I think that kids who are mediocre will want to fallow the specific set of guidelines to a certain point because that point will depend on what their motivation level is, student's with more motivation will work harder to understand these guidelines and use them then the students that don't aim as high. Mediocre kids should follow a a specific set of guidelines because it will make them better writers and they will be motivated by their success. What do you think is a good way of getting a student to be a more motivated writer? I think that a student can be a more motivated writer when they can express how they feel in their own way. For example writing in a diary is better than writing on a piece of paper. Is it enough to edit your paper on the computer with spell check? It's not enough to edit your paper on the computer with spell check because you can come up with better ideas and rewrite your paper if you needed to plus spell check is just to make sure you spelled your word correctly and spell check will not tell you when you used the wrong word. Do you think that there is such thing as too much information in a writing piece? There is no such thing as too much information in a writing piece because things can always branch out and become more, then you end up with so many topics that you don't even know where you started.